Thursday 4 July 2013



  This symposium will feature comprehensive tracks to eHealth topics that most interest, with track sessions tagged to help us create a customized agenda based on our role,experience level and key focus. United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) started in Malaysia on 1st March 2007 after a signing of a Memorandum of Agreement between UNU and the Government of Malaysia.The mission of UNU-IIGH is to undertake research, capacity development and dissemination of knowledge related to key issues of human health. The institute seeks to contribute to the development and strengthening of health services policy frameworks and management actions, particularly for people in developing countries and to support implementation of promotive approach to human health.The Institute focuses on these thematic research areas such as:

  • Efficiency and Quality of Care in Health System
  • Newly Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases
  • Control of Non-communicable Diseases and Mental Health
  • Climate Change and Health
  • Impact of Globalization on Health
  • Health Leadership
  • Information Technology in Health

UNU-IIGH’s Vision is to be a leading and innovative centre on research and capacity building in Global Health.And their objectives is: 

  • To enhance efficiency, quality, access and equity in the delivery of healthcare services.
  • To undertake and strengthen research in global health towards achieving Millenium Development Goals (MDGs)
  • To facilitate disseminate of information and innovation on global health in developing countries.
  • To build and enhance capacities to contribute in solving global health issues especially in developing countries.
  • To promote networking among research institutions in developed and developing countries.


      One of the most important issues is health services. Hospitals provide a medical assistance to people. The best introduction for hospital information systems has been made in 2011 International Conference on Social Science and Humanity, which is, Hospital Information Systems can be defined as massive, integrated systems that support the comprehensive information requirements of hospitals, including patient, clinical, and financial management. Hospitals are extremely complex institutions with large departments and units coordinate care for patients. Hospitals are becoming more reliant on the ability of hospital information system (HIS) to assist in the diagnosis, management and education for better and improved services and practices. In health organization such as hospitals, implementation of HIS inevitable due to many mediating and dominating factors such as organization, people and technology.Aim of an HIS is to achieve the best possible support of patient care and outcome and administration by presenting data where needed and acquiring data when generated with networked electronic data processing. Hospital Information Systems main demands are correct data storage, reliable usage, fast to reach data, secure to keep data on storage and lower cost of usage.Hospital Information Systems provide a common source of information about a patient’s health history. The system have to keep data in secure place and controls who can reach the data in certain circumstances. These systems enhance the ability of health care professionals to coordinate care by providing a patient’s health information and visit history at the place and time that it is needed. Patient’s laboratory test information also visual results such as X-ray may reachable from professionals. HIS provide internal and external communication among health care providers. The HIS may control organizations, which is Hospital in these case, official documentations, financial situation reports, personal data, utilities and stock amounts, also keeps in secure place patients information, patients medical history, prescriptions, operations and laboratory test results. The HIS may protect organizations, handwriting error, overstock problems, conflict of scheduling personnel, official documentation errors like tax preparations errors.Benefits of HIS:

(i)Easy access to doctors data to generate varied records, including classification based on demographic, gender, age, and so on. It is especially beneficial at ambulatory (out-patient) point, hence enhancing continuity of care. As well as, Internet-based access improves the ability to remotely access such data.

(ii)It helps as a decision support system for the hospital authorities for developing comprehensive health care policies

(iii)Efficient and accurate administration of finance, diet of patient, engineering, and distribution of medical aid. It helps to view a broad picture of hospital growth


There are seemingly an endless number of possible applications of information technology (IT) to health service management. Enthusiasm in introducing IT solutions in health care is sometimes bypassing traditional scrutiny and quality control. Without proper assessment and system thinking (how implementation, in part of the system, may sometimes produce negative effects in other parts of the system) one should not introduce new IT solutions.
The area of e-health is as said, very broad, covers topics such as telemedicine, electronic records, recruitment, going paperless, procurement, healthcare score cards, audits, information systems etc.Detmer defines three areas of health informatics:

• Consumer informatics
• Medical and clinical informatics, and
• Bio informatics.
As conclusion, information technology and e-health have great potential. Research and development studies, however, are needed in assessing narrow and broader implications of IT applications. These cannot be left to IT enthusiasts alone, neither to less well-informed politicians or health professionals. Applications should, in my mind, be built up incrementally by starting from smaller scale pilot projects. At later stages and after careful assessment, larger scale implementations may be appropriate. Nationally and internationally, there is a need for concerted action in developing standards (in order to reach compatibility) and ethical frameworks.
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 Information System in public Health Care.

Public Health is the science of protecting and improving the health of communities through education, promotion of healthy lifestyles, and research for disease and injury prevention. Public health professionals analyze the effect on health of genetics, personal choice and the environment in order to develop programs that protect the health of your family and community.
Overall, public health is concerned with protecting the health of entire populations. These populations can be as small as a local neighborhood, or as big as an entire country.
Public health professionals try to prevent problems from happening or re-occurring throughimplementing educational programs, developing policies, administering services, regulating health systems and some health professions, and conducting research, in contrast to clinical professionals, such as doctors and nurses, who focus primarily on treating individuals after they become sick or injured. It is also a field that is concerned with limiting health disparities and a large part of public health is the fight for health care equity, quality, and accessibility.
The field of public health is highly varied and encompasses many academic disciplines. However, public health is mainly composed of the following core areas:

  • Behavioral Science/Health Education
  • Biostatistics
  • Emergency Medical Services
  • Environmental Health
  • Epidemiology
  • Health Services Administration/Management
  • International/Global Health
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Nutrition
  • Public Health Laboratory Practice
  • Public Health Policy
  • Public Health Practice

Benefits of health care In Information SystemInformation systems can improve cost control, increase the timeliness and accuracy of patient care and administration information, increase service capacity, reduce personnel costs and inventory levels, and improve the quality of patient care. However, experience shows that most of these benefits will not occur automatically following system implementation. Operational problems may exist that diminish information timeliness, accessibility, and accuracy; policies and procedures may not have been sufficiently tailored to reflect the realities and intents of the systems; and personnel tasks may not have been adequately restructured. In order to realize the full potential of information systems, health care organizations must plan for and implement strategies that are designed to maximize such benefits. This paper describes a method for developing benefits maximization strategies. The processes used to define strategies and their outcomes are presented.


The symposium was organized by CIGMA (Centre for Information Governance, Management, and Audit) and Department of Information Systems, College of Information Technology, University Tenaga Nasional. The theme of the symposium was ‘Revolutionizing Health Care – Delivering Health Services The Smart Way’. Professor Dr. Syed Aljunid officiated the event and delivered the keynote paper entitled ‘e-Health: Real Solutions or Problems for Developing Countries?Professor Syed Aljunid highlighted the the importance of e-health as an enabler to support developing countries to achieve Universal Coverage. He also stressed the importance of research and development to evaluate the outcome of e-health projects since many such projects failed to achieve the intended objectives in developing countries. The roles played by UNU-IGH in building health human resource capacities and developing software on casemix system and health information system based on open source technology in low income countries was deliberated in his keynote address. In addition to the keynote session, intern of Dr. Nurhizam Safie, Naima Omar presented her paper in the symposium track. The title of her presentation was ‘Conceptual Modeling of Patient Management System: Malaysian Public University Health Center’. The symposium was attended by around 150 participants, mostly are researchers, postgraduate students, government officers and ICT consultants.The symposium all about challenges to achieve objectives of healthcare system including Universal Coverage. Therefore, ICT is a significant component of Health System. E-Health systems are more accessible to develop countries. Developing countries with limited resources and fragile health system have not been successful in using E-Health.  Lastly, economic evaluation study on e-health should be carried out systematically.

Destroy user interface control defines three areas of health informatics:

Review On key Note Speaker

Professor Dr. Syed Mohamed Aljunid
Professor of Health Economics
Senior Research Fellow
United Nations University-International Institute For Global Health,
HUKM Complex, Jalan. Yaacob Latiff, 56000 Cheras
Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
CONTACT Tel No.: 603 – 9171 5394 Fax No.:603 – 9171 5402

  Dr. Syed Mohamed Aljunid is a Professor of Health Economics and Senior Research Fellow in United Nations University-International Institute for Global Health. Prior to this he served as a Professor of Health Economics and Consultant in Public Health Medicine and Head of Department of Community Health, Faculty of Medicine, National University of Malaysia(UKM). He obtained his MD from UKM in 1985, Master of Science  Public Health from National University of Singapore in 1989 and PhD in Health Economics and Financing Programme, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 1995. He is a Fellow of Academy of Medicine Malaysia since 2000.  
His main interest is in the strengthening of health care system of developing countries through research and development in health economics and financing. He is currently involves in supporting a number of developing countries to develop and implement case-mix system, a health management and information tool to enhance quality and efficiency of healthcare services. He was appointed as the Consultant and Advisor to Ministry of Health Indonesia on the implementation of Case-mix System for Health Financing Programme in public and teaching hospitals in the country from September 2005 to December 2009. From September 2006, he was appointed as a Consultant for Asian Development Bank for Implementation of Case-Mix System to improve quality and efficiency of health care services covered by National Health Insurance Scheme in Mongolia.


                                                        ANOOSHIA DEVI D/O RAMAN

                                                                RUBETHRA VADIVEL
